UUFES Book Group

A weekly Book Group of from three to eight women and men meets every Monday at 10:00 a.m. at the Meetinghouse for about one and a half to two hours. Recent books, suggested by group members, have included nonfiction (“Hillbilly Elegy” and “Becoming Nicole”); fiction and historic novels (“The Raven Boys,” “The Miniaturist,” “The Finest Hours”) along with memoirs and biographies. With one Monday each month to discuss the selected book, the other weeks are focused on current events and societal issues, such as anti-racism, white privilege, world religions, aging, memoir writing. The Book Group is open to all!

UUFES Women’s Group

The Women’s Group will be meeting monthly on the second Wednesday for a brown bag lunch at the Meeting House and at member’s homes from 12:30 to 1:30. 

UUFES Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets every three or four weeks in members’ homes. We share our common concerns, life experiences, and accumulated wisdom, as well as other current topics of interest. Yearly we have a special event that includes our spouses and partners.

UUFES Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl ministry is strong and working to create beautiful shawls. At present, we have four working members and four who knit as able. We have a few shawls in reserve and are so pleased for anyone to offer to help. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

For more information about any of these groups, contact the office at uufesoffice@gmail.com, or by phone at 603-323-8585.